Wednesday, December 29, 2010

*Figure it out~! Suzumiya Haruhi: Middle School ver. figma!

Helloooo all~!
So I bet you can all guess what I got in the mail today~?:D
I was so excited I ended up opening it with a Potato peeler~xD 
Sidenote, however desperate you are, do NOT open packages with a potato peeler~*sniffle*~
Out of the box~~
Now on a not so enjoyable note, let's change the pace...!
I'm not a very anal person, small details and minuscule things don't usually bother me, but this figure...D;
My little spat won't last long, but here we go!
I'll start by saying the figure in general is significantly different than what was pictured!:<
Yeah I understand that they make the very first figure amazing so that people will buy it, but if all the figures after that suck, then they ultimately lose business, right~?:/
On a positive note, she comes with so many hands! I'm not going to get bored switching them often~!♥
The negative half? It takes about ten minutes to get one on, and once you get it in, you realize it's literally impossible to get the whole thing in.
The joints in the figure's entirety are all very difficult to work with and very hard to pose! I have to use most of my strength to move her arm upward~ Her back is the weirdest part!
No matter how hard I try I cant move her in a way where she doesn't look like she's slouching!;//
"What is wrong with my arm?D:"
After much trial and error I finally managed to get her to sit on her on her little park bench, theeen she fell off.
I figured out she can only sit on the bench if her head is tilted all the way down, otherwise her little bum doesn't sit entirely on the seat, or you have to extend her legs all the way out~
However that's alright, because my bud Kakashi needed a place to sit~c:
Her hair and face also bug me, but it maaay just be me being picky. :/
Her mouth is crooked and her hair is to high from her forehead.
The last thing that irked me was the figma stand. I was super excited to get one, but when I made an attempt to stick it in it was incredibly hard to get it in! Much harder then posing the joints!><;; I was afraid I was going to break her!D':
But hey, the chalk line marker looks like it does in the pictures, gotta give um that~
assure you that I did not buy a fake and this figma is 100% official~ I guess I just got one of the runt of the litter:/ But regardless of all my complaints, I gotta say it's just amazing having her, and she's still a very cute figure~ I adore Haruhi, and I'm going to enjoy bulding up on her and getting her friends~x3
"Is there anything in there for me?"
Ready for the fun part?:D
Regardless of all of her flaws, she does have a lovely paint-job, and she takes adorable photos!♥
"What's with all that noise?"
"I was-..."
"W-what the heck is this?"
"This is..."
"This is not the banana you are looking for~"
Hee~ This is fun! I'll have to take more pictures when I feel better~!c:
I hope figmas are like shoes and she loosens up after a while~~
"What are you looking at?!"
Ahh~ Haruhi, you're so cuute~
Eek! It's already so late! Time for...
'Fishcaek's Wishlist!'
You can never have enough figures!
A Haruhi harem!

See you soon~=0=/

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Figuring~

Ahh!!! Finals are now officially, finally, OVER! I cry so many tears of joy!! It's been exhausting, and I feel like a two week break isn't nearly enough, but...I take what I get! I hope to take these two weeks and mold them into something exceptionally fantastic~ Although it's already Tuesday and all I've done is watch anime and eat.
One of the most exciting things happening this month that you hope I'll mention is Christmas, ne? Ah, and here I thought all the stress was over!xD I bought all my gifts online, and a bit late I might add, so some of them may not make it under the tree in time! D: Even my own present was procrastinated, so here's hoping...!>-<;
Though I cant tell you what I got friends and family, I can show you what I ordered for myself~!
Yaaah! So cutte~~~
This here is the, Suzumiya Haruhi Junior High School ver. Figma (PVC Figure), She was released in October and just recently went on sale, I just couldn't refuse such a juicy offer, and she is now being shipped to me for Christmas!:'D She's going to be my very first large scale pvc so I'm extra EXTRA excited!! 
I'll be sure to take my own pictures when she gets here~
With Christmas here, it feels like I can finally get all of the things I wish for all year long, alas, money is a fickle  beast, so buying presents for others will be my happiness reward for now~
Another bombtastic and exciting event, the Rin and Len Append are to be released the 27th!
As some of you you might already know, their boxart and outfits were recently released also~~
Hot damn they look great!! All I've been listening to lately are append samples~
So far, Len's 'Power' append is my favorite~

Ah! And the fanart is bonkers!
 Click on them to make them bigger~!

And we shan't forget...!
'Fishcaek's Wishlist!'
 AHH! Kagami I wanna eat chuuu!♥♥♥
Is there really anything more amazing than this? Ahh...One day...♥

Well, I'm hungry now, so I'll catch you all on teh flip side~~
Flip flip!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Ah, it's been a while hasn't it? Gomen gomen! But the worst of my finals are over now, so I have a lot more free time for YOU~
So I promised I'd do a post on my lovely new contacts~
I don't know much about contacts, but a friend of mine is just addicted to Japanese Fashion magazines, and put it in her jurisdiction to provide me with my first pair~
Popteen is her favoritec:
I've been planning on getting some for Cosplay, so she did me the pleasure of giving me Green ones prefect for my next dress-up!~
They look pretty nasty and normal when they're in their little case, but I assure you they're amazing!:o
There are many, many different contact brands, like glasses or soup, this specific brand is called, 'Magic Angel Eyes.' They're what's referred to as, 'Wide-eyed lenses,' lenses that are a bit larger than regular brand contacts to give off a more childish, doll look~
There sizes vary from extreme to hardly noticeable, becoming larger is millimeters~
The largest being 17.0(Incredibly dangerous mind you.)
These are 16.5~~
Mine are 14mm~:D
Ah! So without further ado!
Tada~ Aren't I adorable~?-w-/
love them very much, and they're surprisingly comfortable!
Does my eye look bigger? Let's take a closer look~
Unfortunately I was born with eyes as big as the moon, but if you look a tad closer you'll notice the lenses are indeed bigger than my actual pupal~
Altogether now~
Better lighting~
They really do look bigger!:D
Well, now that the explanation's over, please enjoy a very vain girl being vain~
Badass boyband stare~
For the record, ''Yesstyle'' a fantastic fashion shopping site, is having a sale on GEO brand contacts for a limited time. 12 dollars!
I plan on getting more soon, and if you want a great deal on one of the most popular contact brands around I totally suggest it!
Well now that I have them I'll be sure to wear them a lot, considering they only last one year
I'll be sure to keep you all updated~!
Oh look! It's already time for...
'Fishcaek's Wishlist!'

Today I want BANANA MILK!!
Sounds delicious, right? Two of the yummiest things on the planet, stuffed into a tiny plastic container, wahh! I'm incredibly jealous of those of you who live in South Korea, and can easily purchase this popular drink at any convenience store:'c♥
S'right fokes, only in SK.
Of course, the taste isn't the only thing I'm concerned about...
    Min ho!~
Yeah, I suppose SNSD is cute too...-//w//-
Ja mate!~

Bowl of Fish.